We provide a free half term trial of all our features
to every school. If you decide you're not satisfied, we offer free cancellation
at any time.
Save time
Bookable has been designed with ease of use
in mind, making your bookings hassle-free.
Effortless to set up and use
Enjoy our free setup and training
to get your new platform up and running as smoothly as possible.
Friendly, same-day support
No more creating support tickets and waiting weeks for a response. We provide same-day
customer support to help with any queries you may have.
Number of pupils
Up to 200
200 - 249
250 - 299
300 - 349
350 - 399
Monthly price
“Very user-friendly and a great improvement over the old system. I'm very impressed at how little time it takes to make a booking. Would recommend to anyone.”